I'm waiting for my little Robbie to come over. I'm watching him this afternoon while his mom goes to an Attorneys office with her mom. They are trying to probate the Gramma's will but one of the daughter's of Gramma, sold some property to help her drug problem and forged her mom's name. The property had to be given back to the Estate and now they are getting a handwriting expert to prove the Document was forged. Its a real mess. But I get to have Robbie for the afternoon which is good!! They are to be in Charleston at 11am...but...here it is 10;30 am and they are not here...which is par for the course with my DIL. Very sweet, but she can't be on time to save her soul....im sure the attorney will not be so thrilled.
Guess what the temperature was HERE yesterday!?? It will freak you out! Freaked me out!! It was 78 degrees. BEAUTIFUL DAY!!! Imagine that...78...it was unreal. But....today it is 56, raining and by this evening it will have dropped to 20 and the rain will turn to blasted snow...jeez...I'm so sick of snow.
Madison started soccer practice last evening. Guess we'll be off to games shortly!! I don't mind as long as it's not raining or snowing. lol Madison started playing Goalie last season and did a pretty good job. Have a good day, and take care!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Just Stuff...
Today I went to my best friend's Daddy's funeral about an hour and a half away. We went to High School together and is one of the gals I go have lunch with about once a month. I've known them for 50 years. What a great dad he was. What a great person he was. He was 89 and in extremely poor health. Thankfully he has gone on to a much better place. He was laid to rest pretty close to my Dad, so I took the time to go say hello and tell him how mom was. I hadn't been to see him since August.
Yesterday I went to what I thought might be my last visit for my knee but he said it was not ready for the final X`rays as it was still warm...I go back in 3 more months. I've been going to Rehab on my own since it was officially over. It's only $30 a month to use it. Pretty cheap. I will be truthful and say I'm really tired of going...but I will. It will help me get further extension in the bend. It's 123 degrees now. My other knee isn't that good. lol
Sunday Kelly, Madison, Brien, Robbie and myself went to a Brunch to see our friends who flew in from Denver and their baby Henry alias Hank, who was born 6 hours after Robbie!! We all thought that was amazing. Hank came 2 weeks early. His momma is tiny and he had no where to go & grow so they had to take him early. He weighed 4 lbs, Robbie weighed 8 - We put them on the blanket together and they kicked one another, not really realizing there was another person beside them...I guess they are too young. things will be different the next time they come in!!
Last Friday, the my nephew and his family came to visit for the weekend. They live in Winston-Salem, NC. 5.5 hours away. It was great having them. They have 2 kiddos. Andi (girl) 4 and Tyson who is 5 and can read like no body's business. He is one smart little dude!!! Andi got sick Sat. night and threw up in the bed and had diarrhea, but we cured that with Imodium I had just bought it for our grandkids in case of emergency! Good Timing!! My sister and Brother in law came Sunday at noon and they and their son & family went to see mom for 2 hours before heading home. I didn't get to see her because they were gone by the time we got back.
Well, that's about all that is new around here! Will be back soon!! Have a good week!
Yesterday I went to what I thought might be my last visit for my knee but he said it was not ready for the final X`rays as it was still warm...I go back in 3 more months. I've been going to Rehab on my own since it was officially over. It's only $30 a month to use it. Pretty cheap. I will be truthful and say I'm really tired of going...but I will. It will help me get further extension in the bend. It's 123 degrees now. My other knee isn't that good. lol
Sunday Kelly, Madison, Brien, Robbie and myself went to a Brunch to see our friends who flew in from Denver and their baby Henry alias Hank, who was born 6 hours after Robbie!! We all thought that was amazing. Hank came 2 weeks early. His momma is tiny and he had no where to go & grow so they had to take him early. He weighed 4 lbs, Robbie weighed 8 - We put them on the blanket together and they kicked one another, not really realizing there was another person beside them...I guess they are too young. things will be different the next time they come in!!
Last Friday, the my nephew and his family came to visit for the weekend. They live in Winston-Salem, NC. 5.5 hours away. It was great having them. They have 2 kiddos. Andi (girl) 4 and Tyson who is 5 and can read like no body's business. He is one smart little dude!!! Andi got sick Sat. night and threw up in the bed and had diarrhea, but we cured that with Imodium I had just bought it for our grandkids in case of emergency! Good Timing!! My sister and Brother in law came Sunday at noon and they and their son & family went to see mom for 2 hours before heading home. I didn't get to see her because they were gone by the time we got back.
Well, that's about all that is new around here! Will be back soon!! Have a good week!
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Update on the Girls

I thought I update you on our girls as you haven't seen them for a year or more. Reilly on the left is now 7 years old and is getting so TALL. She remains thin and is great at gymnastics and in love with her Kindle. Seems like all she does is play games on that thing. I'll take it away sometimes and tell her to do something else for awhile. She likes to make up crazy silly dances which are so funny and remains my junk food junkie. I think when she get a little more serious, she could become very good at Gymnastics. She makes straight A's in school and at times she gets a little less grade in "paying attention" for too much talking. (Sorta' reminds me of myself at her age.) She is a very sweet kiddo and a GREAT big sister to her brother Robbie.
Madison on the other hand, looks older than her 9 years and certainly acts older. It's scary sometimes how smart she is. She is our social butterfly and goes non stop to birthday parties, ball games, on a shuffleboard team, loves to dance and sing. Madison gets mostly all A's. Reading and math give her trouble sometimes and she'll get a B. I guess just a typical 9 year old. Madison eats more normal good food, just eats a little too much and is a tad overweight. She is a take charge type of person and knows everyone and everybody, in part due to her mom. They are on the go constantly. Madison playes soccer both indoors and out and is on a traveling team that does really well. She is the Goalie.
Just seems like the other day when they were little like Robbie. Where in the WORLD does the time go? Does this mean I'm getting Older? Jeez. hope not....Doesn't feel like I am till I look in the mirror.
Yesterday little Robbie turned 4 months old already and sitting up a lot better. He is babbling more and smiles all the time. He is also a great drinker and loves his bottle!! He is getting a cute little belly. Just perfect for squeezing and rubbing!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Storm to Arrive
Last night we watched Reilly and Robbie while mom and dad went to listen to one of their friends play guitar and sing at a bookstore in town. Next Tuesday Robbie will be 4 months old ALL READY!! hard to believe. Both he and Reilly were very good all evening. Nary a cry from Robbie, just a bunch of gargles and smiles. Their parents came home around 12:15 am and decided instead of waking the kids they'd spend the night. And...usually I couldn't care less, only this time we are having overnight guests this coming weekend and now I've got to change the beds in both bedrooms....grrrrr.
I had them all ready....perhaps I'm being unkind....but....more work for me.
I am doing up the laundry this morning because the storm is suppose to knock out electric in certain areas. This storm they are referring to as a "Major Storm". It's starting now with a little rain, which will turn to sleet then ice that will measure 1/2 inch and take out the electric and trees. I hate ice storms. They are so destructive. After the ice storm it will return to sleet and then turn to snow. We are expected to get 6-8 inches of heavy wet snow. So, we are not looking forward to this at all. Son
Brien has our generator. We have the gas fireplaces and they will keep us warm if the electric should go out.
I'm off to change Mom's bandage. I'm sure I won't be able to get over there until Tuesday afternoon.
If her electric goes off, we'll have to try and get her here somehow. She won't want to go because of her kitty - she might have to come too. Just have to wait and see how it goes. I doubt there will be school, which means Madison will be coming over, if her mom goes to work. Not sure how she'll get here... we have 2 steep hills between the road and our house. She might have to trudge thru the snow!If you don't hear from me for a few days - I have no electric.
I had them all ready....perhaps I'm being unkind....but....more work for me.
I am doing up the laundry this morning because the storm is suppose to knock out electric in certain areas. This storm they are referring to as a "Major Storm". It's starting now with a little rain, which will turn to sleet then ice that will measure 1/2 inch and take out the electric and trees. I hate ice storms. They are so destructive. After the ice storm it will return to sleet and then turn to snow. We are expected to get 6-8 inches of heavy wet snow. So, we are not looking forward to this at all. Son
Brien has our generator. We have the gas fireplaces and they will keep us warm if the electric should go out.
I'm off to change Mom's bandage. I'm sure I won't be able to get over there until Tuesday afternoon.
If her electric goes off, we'll have to try and get her here somehow. She won't want to go because of her kitty - she might have to come too. Just have to wait and see how it goes. I doubt there will be school, which means Madison will be coming over, if her mom goes to work. Not sure how she'll get here... we have 2 steep hills between the road and our house. She might have to trudge thru the snow!If you don't hear from me for a few days - I have no electric.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Update ~ Mom
I went to Mom's this morning at 9 to change her dressing and see how she was doing and to bring her some Advil to help with the pain. I found her to be looking better, not so frail, and walking around a little bit better, although she is terribly sore today! Her wound looked a little better but still grisly. The upper part had started to form a clot, sort of a scab only soft. The bottom part was gooey and red.
But on the whole: better. I redressed it and made her take 2 Advil for soreness. I called at 3 to remind her to take 2 more pills and stopped in to see her at again at 4:30 and she looked much better. Not so pale and she was getting around a bit better although she is hurtin' for certain'. Hung around about 30 minutes and went home. Will change her bandage again in the morning. Poor Mama'.
But on the whole: better. I redressed it and made her take 2 Advil for soreness. I called at 3 to remind her to take 2 more pills and stopped in to see her at again at 4:30 and she looked much better. Not so pale and she was getting around a bit better although she is hurtin' for certain'. Hung around about 30 minutes and went home. Will change her bandage again in the morning. Poor Mama'.
Poor Mom, Fell
I got a call from my sister last night who lives in Virginia. She had just called mom and mom told her she had fallen and had a cut on her arm and couldn't get it to stop and that she was pretty shaken up. She told my sister not to call me because she was afraid I'd take her to the hospital. This was about 9:40. I got my First Aid kit and hopped in the car and went to her house which is about 1/10 of a mile from our house. When I arrived I found her in the bathroom, shaking like a leaf with a HUGE
open wound that was bleeding. It was about 4 x 2 and the entire top layer of her tissue thin skin had been rubbed off where she landed on her right side. She also hurt her upper thigh and the middle part of her back was sore. She had put her heel on the cat's scratch board and it got her off balance and she just toppled over. I set her down in the kitchen and cleaned the wound with peroxide real good and then put antibacterial ointment on it and put a large bandage with some paper like gauze that is stretchy and I could make a pretty good pressure bandage. I sat her in the living room and put ice on her forearm as it was getting REALLY blue and puffy. Did that for 20 minutes. She was feeling much better and said if she had a cupcake and milk she would be even better! The 2 grand girls had come over earlier that afternoon to bring her mail and cupcakes. It was a snow day so I had both girls. We went out to lunch, took Mom's taxes to our accountant then went to see her. Had a nice visit. They enjoyed playing with mom's kitty. Who, seems to love kids! I stayed there for about 2 hours to make sure she wasn't going to get shockey. I helped her get into her PJ's and I left at 11 pm. She is going to be ONE SORE COOKIE this morning.
I am going to go over and change her bandage around 9:45 and make sure she is ok, then I am headed to a luncheon about an hour and half away. We have a group of about 13 ladies who were all friends in our graduating class of 66 and we meet about once a month. We bought a commercial microwave for the Woman's Shelter and one of the girls delivered it yesterday. We try and do something for the community. We also give blankets and coats in the winter to the Homeless Shelter. It's not much but at least we can help a few.
Better hurry and get ready. Time is flying by. Will give an update on mom later this evening.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
What happened to "Happy Days"? Well, it's something I still don't understand. You probably don't remember that at one point I was having trouble loading my photos, and as time went by I was having to delete other posts with photos to be able to download more. Then they got rid of my header photo and I couldn't get a new one uploaded to save my soul and was getting quite frustrated. I tried notifying Blogger - no response. Pretty soon I had no header and no photos. Then one day a drop down came and said my blog was going to be taken down because I was under aged. I didn't understand that and continued to blog. Then one day I went in to post and it said Access was denied and that Happy Days was no longer aloud up and that I could not start another blog because of my under age and that my email address was blocked from making a new one....and from there I was no longer able to comment on your blogs or make a new Blog. A very strange happening, that I don't understand. I missed Happy Days something awful and felt like I'd lost a whole family of friends.
Then it came to me just the other day, if I got a new email address I could maybe make a new Blog. I tried numerous times and couldn't get it to work and finally got this up and running but there is a problem. I don't have any gadgets to move around to finish the Blog. There is a drop down that I finally took a photo with my phone, because it never stayed up long enough to read. It said they were sorry but were unable to complete your request, which was for the gadgets. Tell me to report to Blogger Help Group and to describe what I was doing when I got this error, and it provided me with an error code. It goes on telling me this info will help them track down your specific problem and fix it. And apologizes for my inconvenience. To be honest, I'm afraid to ask them for fear I'll have to start all over. Maybe some day I'll get brave and ask...I'm just not sure yet what I'll do. For now I have been able to write posts, get photos, can't make a header photo, but I'm ok with that, and can get a few of my favorite Blogs back!! I fear everytime I write a post it will disappear or go flooey. If that happens, I'll try again for another Blog and get you back. I've put you 4 in "My Favorites" so I won't lose you again.
The photo is of me and little Madison when she was just born nearly 9 1/2 years ago. I was 54 yrs old...phew...makes me feel old to look at this photo!! But that was a Happy Day for our family!!
Thursday, February 20, 2014
"Suki" To The Vets
This afternoon Mom and I took "Suki" to the Vets. She developed a terrible sneeze and I thought we should take her immediately before it got worse. I figured she picked up a respiratory infection while at the shelter. Her temp was 104.4, which is high for a kitty but her lungs were clear and heart and ears good. No runny nose or eyes. So they gave her an injection for a 10 day antibiotic and gave her some fluid via IV to get her temp down. She purred through the entire thing. She is really a super sweet cat!! We forgot to get her nails clipped but will do that when she goes back to get her rabies shot. In the photo she has cat nip all over herself, she rolled and purred and chattered. The cardboard long thingie is for sharpening her claws, which she loves, instead of the carpet. Her eyes are so pretty.
Madison went to her Dr's appointment and found out she had strep. She is on an antibiotic also, but for the first time tablets instead of liquid!! Growing up!! She slept for 3 hours this afternoon and woke up not feeling very well for the first 45 min, but then rallied!
I'm hoping to catch you all up on what's been going on around here, mom, Chevy, Barney, my surgeries...etc...Am so glad to have you 4 back!!
Yesterday I had to go to AT&T because my phone kept blacking out on me and the camera wouldn't work. They told me it would cost $200 for them to check and fix plus more if it was the processor....so I got a new 5S Apple phone because it was cheaper. I was past my 2 year contact so I got a new one for $199. AND...I a snappy pink OtterBox to keep from breaking if for some wild chance I'd drop it...lol..I've dropped my old one 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Anyhoo, I'm all fixed up & lookin' sassy with my new pink phone.
My daughter called this morning at 7 am and said Madison (now 9) had a fever and swollen glands and wanted to know if I'd be her backup if she couldn't get off work. I said sure. They are in the Doctors office as I write this. Temp down from 101.6 to 99.4 - Kell gave her Motrin early this am.
She probably has strep. Bless her heart. Her mom did get someone to work for her, which is good because Mom's new kitty has come down with terrible sneezing and sat in a chair all day yesterday.
Sooooo, I have a vet appointment at 1 pm to take her in and get some meds. Probably picked up a respiratory infection at the Shelter. Mom will be so upset if something happened to her. She's only had her for 6 days and is just in love with her. She is a wonderful friendly kitty.
We had a quick thunderstorm just go by - fierce winds and wild rain that lasted for about 10 short minutes, and now the sun is trying to come out. They SAY the temp today will be 70 !! I can't even imagine. How wonderful!!! whoo hooo!! Tonight more rain...not sure about tomorrow. later gators!
My daughter called this morning at 7 am and said Madison (now 9) had a fever and swollen glands and wanted to know if I'd be her backup if she couldn't get off work. I said sure. They are in the Doctors office as I write this. Temp down from 101.6 to 99.4 - Kell gave her Motrin early this am.
She probably has strep. Bless her heart. Her mom did get someone to work for her, which is good because Mom's new kitty has come down with terrible sneezing and sat in a chair all day yesterday.
Sooooo, I have a vet appointment at 1 pm to take her in and get some meds. Probably picked up a respiratory infection at the Shelter. Mom will be so upset if something happened to her. She's only had her for 6 days and is just in love with her. She is a wonderful friendly kitty.
We had a quick thunderstorm just go by - fierce winds and wild rain that lasted for about 10 short minutes, and now the sun is trying to come out. They SAY the temp today will be 70 !! I can't even imagine. How wonderful!!! whoo hooo!! Tonight more rain...not sure about tomorrow. later gators!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Mom's New Kitty
This is Mom's new kitty she adopted from the Animal Shelter on Valentines Day. She is 5 yrs old and spayed and very, very sweet. Mom is just in love with her and so happy to have a little companion to keep her company.
She hasn't decided on a name yet. Her other parents called her Sheba. She is a little chubby, but that's ok. Her coat is very shiny and she purrs and talks
And this is Mom, she is 88, and cute as a button. Very private, vain and a pretty snappy dresser! She has dementia and lives in a little Independent Cottage and was lonely for a little kitty to keep her company. So now she is Happy As A Clam!!!! I love my Mama!!
She hasn't decided on a name yet. Her other parents called her Sheba. She is a little chubby, but that's ok. Her coat is very shiny and she purrs and talks
And this is Mom, she is 88, and cute as a button. Very private, vain and a pretty snappy dresser! She has dementia and lives in a little Independent Cottage and was lonely for a little kitty to keep her company. So now she is Happy As A Clam!!!! I love my Mama!!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Mom & I
Yesterday I called mom in the morning to see if she wanted to go to lunch and then to the pet shop and finally grocery shopping. She thought that was a dandy idea so I picked her up a little after one and we went to Mayberry's for lunch. We took longer than we thought so we decided to skip the Pet Shop and go to Walmart. She got 2 beds, a collar, a scratching pad, catnip, a bowl set and placemat and another item to go under the littler box. She had the best time. Made me smile to see her so excited about buying for her kitty. Then we did the grocery shopping and headed back to her house. I got my big camera because my phone camera is NOT working. Bummer. Did take quite a few photos, will post some soon. She loved her catnip and rolled and rolled and talked and rolled!! So silly.
Today I played cards with four other ladies. We play on Tuesday. A game called "Hand & Foot" I had never heard of it until about 2 years ago. It's a ton of fun. We started at 10 and finished 2 hands around 3pm. Sometimes we will play and get done around 5 pm. After we were done I had to run to the market and get dinner. We had smoked pork chops, mac & cheese, and fried apples. yum.
Tomorrow I go to "Fitness" which is really an extension on my knee therapy. I finished my formal therapy last Wednesday, but decided to continue hoping to be able to bend my knee a little further.
Better go, it's 11:44, Time for Bed. I'm tired. See ya' later.OH!! wait, I forgot to tell you!! It was 60 degrees today!! OMG!! what a wonderful shock!! Hope we have more nice days!!
Today I played cards with four other ladies. We play on Tuesday. A game called "Hand & Foot" I had never heard of it until about 2 years ago. It's a ton of fun. We started at 10 and finished 2 hands around 3pm. Sometimes we will play and get done around 5 pm. After we were done I had to run to the market and get dinner. We had smoked pork chops, mac & cheese, and fried apples. yum.
Tomorrow I go to "Fitness" which is really an extension on my knee therapy. I finished my formal therapy last Wednesday, but decided to continue hoping to be able to bend my knee a little further.
Better go, it's 11:44, Time for Bed. I'm tired. See ya' later.OH!! wait, I forgot to tell you!! It was 60 degrees today!! OMG!! what a wonderful shock!! Hope we have more nice days!!
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Sunday Surprise!!
Oh M!! I am happy as a cat with catnip!! Holy Smokes! this is wonderful. I am sitting here cold and shivering. The fireplace is only 7 feet away. I could go and turn the gas on and be toasty. There, I just did. I want to tell you about Valentines Day. I gave my mom roses and candy on Thursday because it was suppose to be freezing rain and then 4-5 inches of snow Friday, Valentines Day. Low and behold, there was no snow and it was bright sun and 53 shocking degrees out. So I called mom to see if she'd like to go out to lunch and she did. So I picked her up and we went to our little lunch place we usually go to called Mayberry's. While we were finishing lunch mom said she wanted to go look at kitties. I said ok, are you sure? She said yes, and off to the Humane Society we went! She picked out a 5 year old black and white kitty that was surrendered by it's owner who was going into a home and couldn't keep her, so mom decided on Sheba. She is really pretty. All shiny black with 4 white paws and long white whiskers and green eyes. She is a little on the chubby side and I told mom she'd have to watch her diet until she lost a bit of weight. Probably won't happen!! ha ha.So far they are getting along Great!! I don't have any photos of her yet, but will get some soon. Mom is happy as a clam as she missed Jazz & Suki something awful.
Trouble with a Capital T
It appears that I either can't follow directions...or...blogger isn't clear on what I need to do next and show me what I've done so far...I just can't get it done. It is not as easy as it was many years ago. Too much rig-a-ma-roll. I am frustrated. I do want to Blog but Blogger seems to not want this to happen.
So now what? You can't go back and delete, you can't use your same email to start another one. It's just impossible to me as to what to do next. ho hum.....
So now what? You can't go back and delete, you can't use your same email to start another one. It's just impossible to me as to what to do next. ho hum.....
Saturday, February 15, 2014
My First Post - Feb 15, 2014
This is my first post in many years. I had one before for quite awhile and have missed just writing down what's on my mind, and things I found funny or just what-ever. It's nice knowing I can write things down and know they will just sit here quietly. Like last time, I will probably give just a handful my blog address. None for the family. I like being able to chat about the grand kiddos and not have anyone getting frazzled. Gives me more freedom. Not that I'd say anything bad mind you...
The one blog I have missed most is Ms G, who now has a new name. Hopefully I'll be able to find my old friends again. I'd really Love that!!
The weather here in West Virginia has been cold and miserable as everyone else. I'm so tired of being cold. Sometimes I'll go into our bathroom and turn on the overhead heater, shut the door and get warm really quick!! Feels heavenly. Do you think we shall ever have spring? I can't imagine walking out of the house and have the sun hit my face and be warm. I dream of such days!!
The photo was taken at our friends Lake house in South Carolina last August. You'll be seeing more of that later, probably in June, when we go for a visit. Love, love, love going there. Lake Greenwood, SC....peaceful, beautiful and relaxing!! Guess I'll talk to you again tomorrow, take care, Keep Warm!
The one blog I have missed most is Ms G, who now has a new name. Hopefully I'll be able to find my old friends again. I'd really Love that!!
The weather here in West Virginia has been cold and miserable as everyone else. I'm so tired of being cold. Sometimes I'll go into our bathroom and turn on the overhead heater, shut the door and get warm really quick!! Feels heavenly. Do you think we shall ever have spring? I can't imagine walking out of the house and have the sun hit my face and be warm. I dream of such days!!
The photo was taken at our friends Lake house in South Carolina last August. You'll be seeing more of that later, probably in June, when we go for a visit. Love, love, love going there. Lake Greenwood, SC....peaceful, beautiful and relaxing!! Guess I'll talk to you again tomorrow, take care, Keep Warm!
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