Thursday, February 27, 2014

Update ~ Mom

I went to Mom's this morning at 9 to change her dressing and see how she was doing and to bring her some Advil to help with the pain. I found her to be looking better, not so frail, and walking around a little bit better, although she is terribly sore today! Her wound looked a little better but still grisly. The upper part had started to form a clot, sort of a scab only soft. The bottom part was gooey and red.
But on the whole: better.  I redressed it  and made her take 2 Advil for soreness. I called at 3 to remind her to take 2 more pills and stopped in to see her at again at 4:30 and she looked much better. Not so pale and she was getting around a bit better although she is hurtin' for certain'. Hung around about 30 minutes and went home. Will change her bandage again in the morning. Poor Mama'.


  1. Poor Mama is right! She's one tough cookie though, isn't she?

  2. Glad your mom is doing better. I'm so glad your sister called you instead of letting mom deal with it herself. I can understand her not wanting to go to the hospital, though.

  3. Thanks for the news - I was wondering but knew you had a busy day. The third day after an injury always seems to be the worst and then things dramatically improve...hoping this for your Mom.
    We got that deep cold air here....snow coming, too. Glad your Mom is close-by.
